Friday, October 24, 2008

Feeling blah

He says he can't describe it, he just doesn't feel "well". He's resting which is good, trying to eat and drink and feeling blah, well blah is better than yuck so we'll take it, for now blah is fine by me.


Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I'm a friend of your Mom's. I have known her for about 30 years. She is a special lady so I have to think all of you are pretty special too - I just want you to know that all of her Bunco Buddies are keeping each of you and your medical team in our thoughts and prayers every day. You have more people praying for you than you may know!! Hang in there we are pulling with you.

Best wishes
Kathy E.

Lucidity said...

"What Cancer cannot do....It cannot invade the soul, suppress memories, kill friendship, destroy peace, conquer the spirit, shatter hope, cripple love, corrode faith, steal eternal life, or silence courage." - Unknown