Sunday, November 30, 2008

A word from our sponsor...

Here is Eric's list of things he is Thankful for....

Things that I am thankful for. I dont even know where to start. This last couple months has been full of goods and bads, but mostly goods. Sorry mine are kinda late but they still work..

1st and foremost the love of my LIFE Lauren!! I dont know where I would be with out her she has kept track of appointments mediciations making sure I am getting out of bed for a few min a day even if I fight her to no end. She gives me my shots and does not hesitate to do anything that I ask include go to school full time and have a full time job (I dont ask the last 2 she just does them so we can one day better our lives.) and her family they have always been there for me and taken me in like one of there own..

2nd For family and friends they have all kept me going during the worst times and the good times.

3rd I am thankful for is technolgy and advancement in drugs with out it this road I am on would be ALOT harder..

4th That we can live in a country that has insurance and hospitals that take care of problems.

5th I would like to thank all of the people including my cousin Jason who are serving in other countrys so we can be free in ours.

6th everyone that reads this blog.. Its weird My mom said you will be amazed how many people actually care, I figured that there was going to be a few odds and ends people but never this many its like everytime I see some one they know whats going on and ask how I am and if there is anytihng they can do. I know all of you want to help and that means alot to me the best thing that you can do is just keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

7th My sisters they have all helped me though this and that alone I am sure has not been easy weather it be a phone call on how Brandi almost died at walmart the day after thanksgiving (if you talk to her ask about that) or a text message from the twins asking how I am feeling.. It may not seem like much but it is I promise.

8th My mom she has ALWAYS been there for me and always will she has been at every doctors appt. even if it was somthing stupid.. She has been at every treatment with out missing a beat. She has tryed to take me away to vegas but my Dr. wont allow it..

9th my neice and nephews for giving me Bacon he has been there for every treatment since Halloween and will continue to be at every last one..

10th The people at the Palace Station Bingo. They all the been the greatest to me and my family. Always nice to us when we are there and have called and sent cards to show they care. Thanks guys!!

11th To anyone that I have missed or over looked you know who you are and you know that everything you do means alot to me. Esp you Trish I would be SOL if you didnt back me up.. I just want everyone to know that I love all of you and thank you SOOOOO MUCH for everything that you have given me!!Pleas don't stop leaving comments on here I read this page everyday if not 2-3 times a days I like to read the storys and remember the good times. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING EACH ONE OF YOU HAVE DONE!!


Life at the Lundarosa said...

Eric, I am very lucky to have you as a friend - and backing you up is the least I could do for you! You name it and I will do it! Here are my things I am thankful for - 1st and foremost my husband Troy and kids Amy and TJ. 2nd - my family and friends. 3rd - this great country we live in. My brother-in-law was lucky to do his tour in Afghanistan and return home safely. 4th - caramel and cheesecakes (my escapes). And I would like to thank Eric's family for this blog. Oh and one final note....Rock on Bon Jovi FOREVER!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just for fun!

I would like to submit a crazy stuff I am thankful for list!

1- Doughnuts- with out these delicious little things I would not make it! Especially tasties doughnuts! I actually dream about them on a regular basis I know pathetic right!

2- Hairspray- I could not live without it!

3- Make-up- Once again I couldn't live without it, if you have gone camping with me you know!

4- The camping trailer (that there is an RV!) there is no way this princess could go camping with out it! I do not pee in the woods! And were taking it with us when we leave here next month Eric! Unless the shiter is full :)

5-Christmas lights- my husband AKA Clark W Griswald he is so dedicated to exterior ilumination I love it! and I am so happy that I have a husband that no matter what will put up christmas lights for me and my kids!

6- Christmas movies- Of course National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Elf, A Christmas Story!

7- My Dad's Guacomole!!! Which it never fails he never makes enough or maybe I eat to much of it?

8- The day after thanksgiving shopping- Let me tell you that me and my sister took our lives in our own hands this year, it was bad Brandi saw a fist fight a few feet from her , and I got shoved (really hard) out of the way for the item I was waiting for, but all in all I love it, it is a fun tradition!

9- B-I-N-G-O
It's not just a game people it is a sport you can't just walk in there willy nilly and expect to win you have to have the right mind set, your up against some pretty fierce competitors, but I'll have you know when the four of us walk in it's like slow motion in the movies when the music starts playing some cool song and we toss our hair and we have all the old people in the place shaking in there trousers! I have to work on my yelling skills just to prepare for it, and my pepsi intake doubles! Ahhh it is a great place, the best part is I get to enjoy it all with my Mom, Brandi, and Eric!

10- And last but not least...
My Beloved Sweats! I could not make it through without them, Corky says I have way to many pairs, I guess he says that because I have different catagories of sweats from going out sweats to staying in sweats to sleepin sweats to camping sweats to summer sweats ya I guess I need to cut back but I love them!

Now I think you guys should write a crazy list of your own!
