Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's the final countdown

I wish I could sing the song for you!! I only know the background music to that song...Today is a HUGE day!! As I type Eric may very well be receiving his last chemo treatment, we won't know if it is in fact the final treatment until his PET scan next week. But there are some very good signs that it is his last, what are those signs you ask? Well the swollen lymph nodes that caused such a problem can no longer be "felt" in his neck or underarms, this is a huge indicator that the cancer has been defeated!! Although this is his last treatment Eric is still dreading it as much as the first, maybe more so because he knows the sickness that is about to come. He will be reading this from his bed in the infusion room during his treatment so if you would like to post any encouraging thoughts, prayers, or anything else please do!! Eric I wanted to be there today for you, I had planned to, but of course my sick kids have changed those plans, just know I will be praying for you all day, I hope thats enough. He has a full schedule coming up, of which I will inform you of later, for now lets all focus our prayers on this treatment, hopefully his last.


Matt and Jamie Langston said...

YAY!!! Good luck today!! We are thinking of you! You are a fighter!

About Amber said...

Oh, I hope it is the last and I hope you can live a great, cancer free life after this. You are in our prayers.

Life at the Lundarosa said...

Hooray!!!!! Hooray!!!! Hooray!!!