Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting worse...

Eric was just seen in the E.R. by the surgeon, the infection has spread. They have decided to admit him into the hospital, they are going to try 24 hours of I.V. antibiotics. If this doesn't clear up the infection they will remove the port-a-cath, and start over. This is a set back but he's doing well. He even went out to eat last night (shocking though no bacon or cheesecake). Hopefully this I.V. antibiotic will help things...I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that your having this set back, but you are strong and we will help you get through this, I am so glad you went to eat with us last night (although I know there is no way you would miss out on Kobe' :0) ) I love you!


JessicaD said...

I am sorry you are having set backs. You are strong and i know that you will get through this. I hope you know how much I love & care about you. You are one of my big brothers. If it weren't for you being my moms side kick, I don't know where i'd be today. We are here for you no matter the time.

Jessica, Tnayah, & Kapri

Anonymous said...

Pllth that stinks. Get those IV antibiotics into your system so they can get working on that infection. Think little pac-man coursing through your body eating everything up. Even the ghosts after you get a yummy snack of cheesecake of course. :>
If you never played pac-man I am sorry I am showing my age we will just leave that under the cloud of senility.
Your sisters crazy neighbor..
Wait I've got it this is all just a ruse to get out of family pictures. Hmmm

Life at the Lundarosa said...

Hang in there! If you need anything - just let me know!!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Just remember what I always say- "It will all work out".

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow! My heart totally skipped a beat when I read this.I hope he is okay... I don't know what we would do without him. He is basically family.And I do not like seeing Lauren cry. He'll get through it though, I have a strong faith in him. Eric's a fighter at heart. I know it! Plus he has my lovely cousin Lauren strong by his side. Eric, you HAVE TO get better. Or else who's trailer am I going to sleep in? haha
Get Better Soon!
Natalie ( Lauren's little cousin)