Sunday, September 28, 2008

Upside down hearts & bacon :0)

Just got home from visiting Eric in the hospital. His infection is about the same, they are giving him I.V. antibiotics about every 6 hours. It's on his left upper chest in the shape of an upside down heart, which is just darling (not really). Eric seems to be feeling better they have given him morphine for the pain. He is being a perfect patient, he only had one gripe they wouldn't let him order bacon on his grilled cheese sandwich, so Hailey being the sweet sister she is went to the cafeteria & brought him some up. Tomorrow around noon the surgeon will decide if the port-a-cath needs to come out. Eric asked the doctor today if he could keep it if they take it out, let's hope he doesn't get a souvenir, we'd all like it to stay in.

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