Monday, September 29, 2008


This update is being done by mom as Brandi and Hailey are at the hospital going back and forth between Eric's room and the ER as their grandmother Johnston is having some health issues.

Eric had surgery about 11:30 this morning to have the port-a-cath taken out. When we met with his surgeon he stated that there was a lot of discolored fluid in the upper part and around the device. They cultured both areas and hope to have the results later today. They won't be putting in another port until all of the infection is gone. Eric will be having another sleepover tonight at the hospital and getting more of the delicious treats (IV-Antibiotics). Since he hadn't had anything to eat since last night Eric decided to snack on a cracker. Low and behold the nurse caught him and he had to spit it out as the doctor had not sent over any orders stating that he could have anything to eat yet. Needless to say he wasn't very happy. Eric is still scheduled for his first chemo treatment at Huntsman's on Thursday with or without the port-a-cath. We will update later once we get more information.

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