Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finished with the shots, & a good day!

Eric had a very good day today! He slept well last night, ate lunch out in the sun, and went for a drive with mom. She also took him to dinner and he had a milkshake!! He finished the shots tonight, lets hope he doesn't ever have to do those again. :0/ He's tired, but definitely in better spirits than he's been all week. I know that all of your positive thoughts, and prayers have helped, keep them coming!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eric I know the love your sister has for you. And I know that her love is more powerful than any medicine they can push into you. Lean on her love and strength and you will be o.k. This is not the time to worry about asking for to much help.

Love and Prayers
Corine Kindall (Corkys Sister)