Friday, October 3, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends...

I forgot to post yesterday they have found the culprit of Eric's infection...surprise it was the port, they cultured it & he had a staph infection (no so fantastic on a port leading to your heart). But all is well it seems the infection is making it's exit, so now Eric can focus on the next big thing Chemo. Dr. Gilbert does not want to wait to start the chemo so on Thursday she will be evaluating him, if everything looks good then the chemo is a go. Eric had a quiet uneventful day today. Home health came & changed his bandage and taught Hailey (sis) to pack his wound it seems there are some concerns about insurance covering the home health care each day so Hailey may be helping out if that's a problem. Oh I'm glad I just have to deal with loose teeth, and mosquito bites :0)


Anonymous said...

we had bacon this morning. just thought i would share. Glad you figured out what it was and the pacman are doing their job.

Anonymous said...

This is gonna be a better week I can feel it!! I love you!

Love Ya