Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quiet is good...

I know it's been quiet around here...but for us quiet is a good thing. Eric saw the surgeon for a follow-up yesterday, they have left the incision open to let it heal from the inside out. The surgeon hopes that this will prevent it from getting infected again. But there are some concerns that it may become reinfected once Eric starts chemo. We definitely don't want this, infections are much harder to fight when chemo is destroying your immune system. Dr. Gilbert will be evaluating this on Thursday, but as things stand now Eric will be getting chemo on Thursday. If she decides she doesn't want to risk the infection that could change. We went to Red Lobster, endless shrimp is a good thing (according to Eric), but the question stands is it better than bacon?

1 comment:

Life at the Lundarosa said...

Good Luck tomorrow! And my vote is bacon is better than shrimp! Especially the maple bacon!